Saturday, November 14, 2009

This Path of Potent Discovery

The turn of the century French author, Marcel Proust wrote, "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Ah, yes, this sounds interesting. First of all, he speaks of the real voyage. So, there is a real one & a not real one. OK. Then he identifies it as a voyage, meaning an ongoing occurrence rather than a single event. And then of course, the word discovery...conjuring up all kinds of adventure, excitement & visions of meaningful fulfillment. Now that he has our attention, he tells us it is not an outer journey of new landscapes or virgin frontiers, but an inner journey of new perceptions. He tells us we must see with new eyes to experience anything new & real. Well now, that certainly begs the question, "how does one go about getting new eyes?"!

The easier question is, "how does one go about gaining new perceptions?" First of all, let's clarify that perception is a function of awareness, recognition & interpretation. We may see with our eyes, but it is our mind that tells us what we are seeing based on our current knowledge, understanding & interpretation of facts & events, things & stimuli. We find ourselves living in a world full of information & many of us take a great deal of that information as fact, law, single answer. This means that & that means this. We let information outside of us dictate & define what means what. While much of this may be useful, much of it may not be. And this is the power & purpose of perception. Each of us has the right & the necessity to define for ourselves what is real, what is useful & what is functional for us. Because we are each individuals, the possibility exists for individual perceptions. Most of us however, find ourselves going with the flow simply because that is what we are taught. We are taught to follow in order to survive. There is certainly great value in this. It is imperative to learn the ways of survival, but what about beyond that. What about thriving...

Ah yes, thriving. See how just now we changed our perception of living from surviving to thriving. Thriving to me means living according to my dreams. It implies freedom of choice in how I want to spend my time here on Planet Earth. It points to bigger possibilities besides what I call, the stuff & things of life. It's a verb, so it's an activity not a destination. This is why it is important to periodically review your perceptions: to make sure you are living according to your views & not ones that have been handed down to you or been absorbed through the simple osmosis of being saturated in outside information & viewpoints however well-meaning. So here we are, at the point of review. Isn't this the point that Monsieur Proust is calling our attention to? He tells us this is the voyage of discovery. We discover anew as we perceive anew. We perceive anew as we question what is. We question what is as we review what is. We review what is as we open ourselves to expanded awareness & open observations. We do this with a playful attitude & a joyful connection to the infinite possibilities that Life can be. We do this because we can! And ultimately we do this because the payoffs are living the life we want rather than the one that we have accepted out of default no matter how great it is. Because ultimately, we are here to define our own acts of free will & choice...who each of us is & what that means to everything & everyone else. This is what makes the world go around, so get a new song in your head about you & watch as the world watches at what can be when perceptions are expanded & new possibilities are invoked.

In infinite possibilities,


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

OK so now is the time to begin a be a part of this world in a meaningful that is meaningful to you personally. This is to be the focus of your thought for it is certainly the focus of your soul. It is not for you to enter into the ways of the world; it is for you to show the world your ways! How do you see the world in your heart of hearts when you close your eyes and let your inner self speak to you? What does the little voice inside of you keep trying to show you? What do you scratch your head the most about the ways of this world? What is it most that excites you about this world that you find yourself living in? This is what your life's focus is about. You are here to bring your wisdom & insights to this world. You are to explore the crevices of your deep inner self & bring these thoughts & ideas to the surface for observation & creation. You are not here to merely continue & circulate or even redistribute what already are here to participate with the new coming into form. You are a new addition to this plane of action...bring it on! Show the world what can be & collaborate with others on this potent path of discovery.

We are the S.O.U.L. Project...Exploring the S cience O f U nlimited L iving. We are here to share with you our discoveries as well as learn from yours. We are here to support you in your endeavors to live freely, passionately & generously. We are here to proliferate the true cycle of life itself, the paradigm of "Serve & Be Served". We are here to expand humankind's ability to access the latent potentials in every aspect of life, beauty, joy, ease, peace, wisdom, love & bountifulness. We are here to alchemize the concept of impossible into I'M POSSIBLE!

Care to join us? Feel free to post, ask questions, give comments or be the silent observer. We're just getting started & we're glad you're here. is more exciting & richer because you are here on this planet at this time. We are passionate about what can be & we're pretty sure you are too...

In infinite possibilities,